
white worm Learn more about white worm

  • How to deal with succulent white worms

    How to deal with succulent white worms

    How to deal with succulent white worms

  • How to deal with the latest succulent white worms

    How to deal with the latest succulent white worms

    In the cultivation of succulent plants, if not properly maintained, long white insects will appear on the succulent plants. These insects are generally scale insects, which will suck succulent branches and leaves, causing insect pests or plant death, causing greater harm. So how to deal with succulent white worms? Together

    2020-11-10 The latest succulent white worm how to deal with in breeding
  • Cultivation Technology of Barley Worm

    Cultivation Technology of Barley Worm

    Cultivation Technology of Barley Worm

  • How do barley worms reproduce

    How do barley worms reproduce

    Barley insects were introduced from Southeast Asian countries in recent years. The maximum body length of mature larvae is about 7 cm, which is 3-4 times larger than that of common yellow powder insects. The yield is 5 times that of yellow powder insects, and its nutritional value is far higher than that of young crickets and yellow powder insects. So how do barley worms reproduce? one

    2020-11-11 Barley insects how breeding barley yes in recent years from
  • Will Brazilian iron trees grow worms? Brazilian iron tree pest control / anthrax spray

    Will Brazilian iron trees grow worms? Brazilian iron tree pest control / anthrax spray

    Brazilian iron tree, which has become popular in recent years, is a beautiful foliage plant that has appeared in many people's families. However, with the increase in the number of people raising Brazilian iron trees, and some problems, such as more diseases and insect pests, will Brazilian iron trees grow worms? The following are several kinds of Brazilian iron tree pest control

  • What about succulent worms?

    What about succulent worms?

    Succulent plant is a kind of plant which is popular all over the world in recent years. Its leaves are thick and succulent, its shape is beautiful, and it is deeply loved by the public. What about succulent worms? What about succulent worms? 1. The scale insect on the leaf is the most common pest, which is adsorbed on succulent plants.

    2020-11-08 Succulent worms how to do succulent yes in recent years popular all over the country
  • Several popular fish medicines

    Several popular fish medicines

    This product is an external insecticide for green, grass, silver carp, bighead carp and crucian carp, which can kill Chinese fleas, anchor fleas, rotifers, melon worms, third-generation worms, sporidia, ring worms, fish larvae, hook larvae, etc. it can also kill water centipedes, leeches and other pests. This product is a new type of highly effective insecticidal drug, which can effectively kill Anchor flea, Chinese flea, rotifer, ring worm, third generation worm, sporidium, double scale trematodes and other fish parasites. For four major domestic fish, freshwater white Pomfret, mandarin fish, sea bass, eel

  • Can the white bugs in bayberry eat?

    Can the white bugs in bayberry eat?

    As the saying goes, "the Summer Solstice red bayberry is red all over the mountain, Lesser Heat red bayberry is going to be infested". Because red bayberry is nutritious and without pericarp protection, it has naturally become the main host of some insects. The white worms drilled out of bayberry are Drosophila larvae. The main components of these larvae are proteins, so they will not affect the human body.

  • What about jasmine worms?

    What about jasmine worms?

    Any breeding process will occur in the disease, or insects and other phenomena, so jasmine is no exception, then jasmine insects how to do? 1. What about jasmine insects? Jasmine insects are generally born with a small white insect. Jasmine's little white worm could be

    2020-11-08 Jasmine insect production what to do any can breeding process middle
  • What about succulent plants and white worms?

    What about succulent plants and white worms?

    Succulent plant is a kind of plant that we often take care of. It has a wide variety of flowers and colors, but you can't imagine that it doesn't exist. Whether it is in the streets or in the flower and bird market, it is always there. So succulent plants produce white worms.

    2020-11-08 Succulent plant raw white worm what to do succulent yes we
  • What about the gourd worm?

    What about the gourd worm?

    Gourd is a climbing vine plant, summer and autumn white flowers, monoecious, gourd vine up to 15 meters long, fruit can range from 10 cm to one meter, the heaviest up to a thousand grams. What if the gourd has worms? 1. What if the gourd is bitten by insects?

    2020-11-08 gourd worms what to do yes climbing vines plants summer and autumn open
  • What about gourd leaf worms?

    What about gourd leaf worms?

    Gourd is a climbing vine plant, its vine can be up to 15 meters long, fresh gourd skin is bright green, flesh is white, the fruit is also known as gourd, can be harvested when not ripe as a vegetable to eat. We all know that climbing vines have more leaves, when gourd leaves grow.

    2020-11-08 Gourd leaf worm how to do gourd yes climbing vine
  • Prevention and control of small melon worm disease during overwintering period of cultured white pomfret

    Prevention and control of small melon worm disease during overwintering period of cultured white pomfret

    The disease is the second most common disease of Colossus brachypomus during winter. Its incidence is lower than that of water mildew, but the mortality per unit area is higher than that of water mildew, and it can also lead to concurrent water mildew. 1. Pathogenic multi-seed melon worm. 2, symptoms of fish surface and

    2020-11-08 culture white pomfret overwintering period small melon insect disease control
  • The usage of common fish medicine

    The usage of common fish medicine

    1. Quicklime can be used for pond cleaning and disinfection, and can increase PH of pond water and improve pond bottom quality and water quality. 2. Formalin (formaldehyde) can kill rotifer, tongue cup worm, ring worm and melon worm in 30ppm solution for 24 hours; 250ppm for 1 hour and 100ppm for 3 hours can treat the third generation of worms and other protozoa; soak the spawning fish nest for 2 minutes with 3% 5% solution for 3 minutes to prevent water mildew; sprinkle with alkaline green mixture throughout the pool to treat melon disease; 1.

  • What about the worms of Chinese wolfberry trees?

    What about the worms of Chinese wolfberry trees?

    Chinese wolfberry for daily consumption and medicine is mostly the fruit of Ningxia wolfberry. Ningxia wolfberry has the largest cultivated area in China, which is mainly distributed in northwest China. What if Chinese wolfberry trees have worms when planting? What about the worms of Chinese wolfberry trees? First of all, we need to distinguish

    2020-11-08 Chinese wolfberry trees insects how to do people daily food and medicine
  • How do breadworms grow and reproduce?

    How do breadworms grow and reproduce?

    Bread worms are yellow powder worms, which are rich in fat and protein, as well as other nutrients that humans can eat and feed scorpions, centipedes, gecko, snakes, soft-shelled turtles, bullfrogs and so on. So, how do breadworms grow and reproduce? 1. Bread

    2020-11-11 Noodle hydatid how raise breed noodle that is yellow powder worm
  • What if rice gives birth to a small white worm?

    What if rice gives birth to a small white worm?

    Rice is easy to absorb moisture, cause fever and deterioration, and may give birth to some small white insects, so what about rice giving birth to small white insects? What about raw rice and Chinese cabbage? 1. Zanthoxylum bungeanum against insects: Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a natural antioxidant with special aroma and repellent

    2020-11-08 Rice give birth to small white worms how to do rice very easy moisture absorption
  • Is Cordyceps sinensis a worm or a grass?

    Is Cordyceps sinensis a worm or a grass?

    Is Cordyceps sinensis a worm or a grass?

  • Control of common diseases of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    Control of common diseases of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    First, stimulate cryptonuclear disease (white spot disease) symptoms of a large number of small white spots on the body surface, serious fish body covered with a layer of white film, due to the destruction of the worm will cause secondary bacterial infection, resulting in fish skin inflammation, necrosis, scales easy to fall off, fin decay, split, parasitic Gill, destroy Gill, infected with bacteria, will cause rotten Gill phenomenon. When the worm invades the cornea of the fish, it will cause inflammation, blindness, loss of appetite, thin body and swimming disorder. The worm body can be observed and judged by microscope. Prevention

  • How to treat white spot disease in cultured grouper

    How to treat white spot disease in cultured grouper

    Symptoms: White spot is one of the serious diseases of grouper, especially in high-density temporary culture ponds and cage culture. The disease spreads rapidly. Serious 34 days can kill all fish in the pond and form complications with paragonimus in cages. The infection rate is up to 90%.

    2020-11-08 Culture grouper how treatment leukoplakia disease symptoms manifestations